- Date:
and 15
March, 8 p.m.
- Duration: 80 min
- Hall: Main Auditorium
Love and Betrayal in a Legendary Seville
La Bella Susona tells the story and legend of a beautiful Jewish girl from Seville in the 15th century, Susana Ben Susón. She betrays her father, Diego Susón, ringleader of the plot, by revealing the plan to her lover, a Christian knight of great lineage. The members of the conspiring group are arrested and executed. Susona, condemned by her people converts to Christianity only to be scorned by this other group that includes her beloved. Crushed by the consequences of her action, La Susona retires to a convent and orders that her head be hung above the door of her house when she dies. To quote its composer, Alberto Carretero: “Hers is a story of love, betrayal, and redemption. Her operatic persona is reflected in the context of that period, with the Jewish and Muslim worlds. This work pays tribute to Sevilla, as the city of opera”.
Carretero is a composer and Professor of composition at the “Manuel Castillo” Higher Music Conservatory of Sevilla. A musicologist, computer science engineer, journalist, and holder of a PhD in Performing Arts, he has won various awards including the INJUVE, the Leonardo (Music and Opera) scholarship of the BBVA Foundation; and has premiered his music in Carnegie Hall (New York), the IRCAM-Centro Pompidou of Paris and the Wien Modern Festival (Vienna). La Bella Susona debuts with the musical direction of Nacho de Paz– who conducts the ROSS- and the dramaturgy of Carlos Wagner, in a collaboration of the Teatro de la Maestranza with the Auditorio de Tenerife (Canary Islands). Daisy Press, Luis Cansino and José Luis Sola lead the cast for La Bella Susona in the first world premiere of an opera composed by a Sevillian in the Teatro de la Maestranza.
World premiere
Libretto by Rafael Puerto
Commission by the Royal Seville Symphony Orchestra (ROSS)
- Musical director: Nacho de Paz
- Stage Director and dramaturgy: Carlos Wagner
- Set and costume designer: Alejandro Andújar
- Lighting design: Albert Faura
- Sound engineer: Sylvain Cadars
New production Teatro de la Maestranza In collaboration with the Auditorio de Tenerife (Canary Islands)
Royal Seville Symphony Orchestra
Coro Teatro de la Maestranza
- Susona: Daisy Press
- Aben Susón (Diego Susón): Luis Cansino
- Guzmán: José Luis Sola
- Pulgar: Federico Fiorio
- Sor Gregoria: Marina Pardo
- Diego de Merlo: Andrés Merino
Alberto Carretero
Born in Sevilla, he has forged his artistry in Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Holland and Poland with Cristóbal Halffter, Tomás Marco, Luis de Pablo, Mauricio Sotelo or Salvatore Sciarrino, among others. A recipient of numerous awards, his music is perfomed in halls and theatres all over the world.
Nacho de Paz
Especially known as a specialist in the music of the 20th and 21st centuries, his work in experimental repertory and vanguard multimedia creations is a point of reference in Spain. He has conducted the majority of Spanish orchestras and international ensembles that specialize in contemporary repertoire.
Panel discussion
Panel discussion “En torno a La Bella Susona”
March 11, 06.30pm.
Admission free on a first-come basis
Ópera Power
Tercer capítulo de la temporada de Ópera Power, un espacio abierto que quiere acercar la lírica a los jóvenes a través de contenidos divulgativos, frescos y dinámicos.
En este episodio, Adri y Julia nos hablan, nada más y nada menos, que de dos óperas: Alcina de Händel y La Bella Susona de Alberto Carretero. Les acompañan en la mesa Daniela Mack, que interpreta a Bradamante en la ópera de Händel que estrenamos el 6 de febrero, y Alberto Carretero, compositor de La Bella Susona, estreno absolutísimo en el Teatro de la Maestranza el 13 de marzo.
En colaboración con El Correo de Andalucía.
The press says
Susona entra en el universo de la Ópera
Carretero despliega una gran fantasía sonora en la que el sonido va deambulando de forma envolvente entre la electrónica y la orquesta...
La Susona de Carretero deviene de reto a triunfo
Tras varios años de gestación desde que la pandemia retrasara su estreno, la ópera del compositor sevillano ve finalmente la luz con un sonado triunfo de talentos.
Voluntad y Camino. “La Bella Susona” de Alberto Carretero
Hay tantos detalles que es inútil pretender abarcarlos todos en un texto breve.