Espectáculo finalizado

Grand Selection

  • Date: 24 June, 8 p.m.
  • Duration: 100 min
  • Hall: Main Auditorium

The Shimmering Colours of an Orchestra

Besides its composers, the history of classical music is also the story of its performers. Without them, there are only the printed scores. Silence. There are soloists and, of course, symphonic, or baroque orchestras, who have left their mark and reached such levels of excellence that any performance is a major drawing card, quite apart from the programme.

The Vienna Philharmonic is one of these orchestras. Its origins date to 1842 when Otto Nicolai founded what he called a “Philharmonic Academy”. The orchestra has been perfected by titans such as Hans Richter, Gustav Mahler, Felix von Weingartner, Wilhelm Furtwängler or Clemens Krauss, to name a few of its conductors.

“It is one of the most outstanding (orchestras) in the world” was the comment by Richard Wagner. And Richard Strauss went further: “All praise of the Vienna Philharmonic reveals itself as an understatement”. A private association, this orchestra is linked to the Vienna State Opera in a symbiotic relationship that guarantees the independence of the musicians, hence its high level of artistic performance.

Robust yet delicate, morbid yet tender, to listen to the Vienna Philharmonic, is to enter into its enthralling and rich universe of sound, it is a singular experience. In Sevilla, the Austrian ensemble will be conducted by Lorenzo Viotti, director of the Netherlands Philharmonic, and one of the world’s acclaimed young conductors. On the programme of Russian and Slavic music is The Isle of the Dead, a perturbing Symphonic poem (1908) by Serguei Rajmaninov which illustrates the anguished personality of its composer; Capriccio español (1887) by Rimski-Korsakov, inspired by Spanish folk melodies experienced during his travels as an official in the Russian Navy; and Symphony No. 7 (1885) of Antonín Dvořák, one of his most profound and mature works.

Orquesta Filarmónica de Viena

  • Musical director: Lorenzo Viotti

Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra

Linked to the traditions of European classical music, ever since its creation in 1842, this orchestra has fascinated distinguished composers, conductors, and audiences from around the world, not only for its homogenous musical style which is passed on from generation to generation, but also for its unique structure and history.

Lorenzo Viotti

After leading numerous concerts with the most important European and American orchestras, he has consolidated an important name as a conductor of both opera and concerts. Awarded at important competitions and a winner at the 2017 International Awards of London, he directs a repertory that ranges from classical to contemporary and includes many opera titles.

The press says

Concierto del año con Viotti y sus vieneses

... hay que descubrirse ante la calidad incomensurable de los filarmónicos vieneses. El sonido de sus cuerdas es limpio, brillante, de una calidez infinita...

Gloriosa llegada a meta de la Filarmónica de Viena

...derrochó talento, madurez y capacidad en este sensacional y estremecedor concierto.

Encuentros añorados

Cosas tan grandes como esta no se viven todos los días y menos aún en Sevilla.

El sonido Wiener Philharmoniker

...el protagonismo aquí, como en toda la velada, fue de una Filarmónica de Viena de color apabullante...